18 November 2015

Unholy Women (Japan, 2006)

Unholy Women, is a composite of three unrelated half-hour horror movies. The first segment, "Rattle Rattle", tells the story of a young woman who is pursued by an evil other-worldly being. The second movie, "Steel", concerns a young man who agrees to take the sister of his boss out on a blind date, drawing him into a world more frightening than he ever dreamed possible. The third and final episode, "The Inheritance", is a supernatural tale of a woman and her young son, scarred by abuse and psychological trauma.

Unholy Women is an often disturbing and very creepy film, and tells three unrelated stories of horrific happenings. I rarely see this movie mentioned in horror articles about Asian films, which isn't overly surprising since it's not terribly scary, but I would at the very least recommend viewers to at least watch it once. Especially if you're starved for more Japanese horror films and think you've seen every last one of them. 

Genre: Horror

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