21 April 2015

Bilocation (Japan, 2013)

Shinobu Takamura is an aspiring painter. One day, she is accused of using counterfeit money. Shinobu is confused by the allegation, because she never did such a thing and was at home when the crime occurred. Police Officer Kanou then appears and takes her to a place. When they get there, a group of people are already gathered. All of the people there are concerned over a doppelganger like existence that looks just like them and acts like them. They call that existence "bilocation".

Bilocation is a film with an interesting concept: what if there could exist an exact clone of yourself? What would you do if you met this person? Bilocation is about individuals who all have a mirrored self walking around. It reminds me a great lot of the 2014 film Enemy, starring Jake Gyllenhaal (though Bilocation came out first). It has been labeled as a true horror film, though I can't really stand behind that, but it is disturbing from time to time. A film worth seeing, no doubt.

Genre: Thriller

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